Starting at our clinic in the idyllic and beautiful community of San Marino, California, the iBODY Clean Transformation was born out of our commitment to make an impactful difference to every person that walks into our door, motivating our clients to be as passionate as we are about enjoying and living healthy, balanced lives. We start from “inner health” and work towards outer beauty with proven results. With years of successful health transformations and thousands of improved lives, you can now experience the impact of our signature Cleanses without having to visit our clinic. We hope that you enjoy the transformative results that it brings you.
Dr. Roberto Tostado is the founder of The IBody Wellness Center, a medical clinic specializing in medically supervised weight loss programs, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, detoxification, and Stem Cell therapies.. Dr. Tostado has successfully treated thousands of men and women with his holistic and natural approach, in many cases reversing diabetes, high blood pressure, unwanted weight gain, imbalanced hormones and many other metabolic diseases.
Dr. Tostado has been a physician for over 28 years and is a Board Certified physician in Family Medicine, Regenerative and Anti-aging medicine. He is certified by the American Academy of Restorative Medicine and a fellow of Nutritional and Digestive Medicine. A graduate of Columbia University, University of Michigan Medical School, and University of Southern California’s Residency Program at the California Medical Center. Dr. Tostado is also trained in Stem Cell harvesting and isolation techniques,certified through U.S. Stem Cell Training.
With over 34 years of clinical practice, Teresa Tostado, NP, strives to make every element of the IBODY treatments as welcoming and transformative as possible. Her culinary and nutritional contribution to The IBODY Cleanse products bring a unique perspective, integrating a culinary element with the science of nutritional medicine. Nothing makes her happier than seeing the tremendous impact the clinic has had every patient treated; by steering patients towards healthy eating habits and lifestyle choices, most of these positives changes have lasted a lifetime.
Teresa received her education at the University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines and graduated with a Masters degree from UCLA. She obtained her NP degree with honors and served as Associate Professor at UCLA for 10 years. She is Board Certified in Pediatrics, certified by The American Academy of Restorative Medicine, and a Diplomat of the American Academy of Antiaging Medicine. A passionate cook, Teresa pursued her love of cooking and obtained her culinary certification in 2010 at the Academy of Culinary Education in Los Angeles.
Stop f’ing around with your health... ...and take control of your life! Sick of being overweight, diabetic, or achy and low energy? Tired of being fatigued or depressed? Sick and tired of taking multiple prescription drugs with no end in sight? There is another way to live—not just to feel a little better or take fewer drugs, but to strut through life feeling your best.Is there a catch? You bet! You’ll have to take a radical look at what you eat, get rid of the junk and replace it with fresh whole foods... but it all starts in your head. Along the way you’ll learn to detoxify your attitude too. You gotta really want to be healthy! Rebel physician Roberto Tostado envisions a new direction in medicine, integrating whole-foods nutrition, thinking less toxic thoughts, and releasing ourselves from grudges and self-loathing. This is the new direction that he truly believes will help prevent most chronic diseases while smiling all the way.
956 Huntington Drive, San Marino, CA 91108
Our purpose at The iBody Medical Wellness Center is to empower each client by sharing how to live healthy and robust lives free from disease in order to experience energy, vitality, and wellness. Our name is a message for Innovation for the Body but also, I take responsibility for my Body : iBody. We all share the same responsibility and our message is clear.